Diamondhead Lions Club Donation
May 2022

On Friday, May 20 the Diamondhead Lions Club presented a $1,000 donation to the Hancock County Food Pantry. Shown receiving the check is Marshall Kyger, Food Pantry Executive Director.
Nereids Mermaids Food Donation
June 2022
Queen Doris LIII of Nereids, accompanied by her Royal Court, led the Mermaids in a food collection which was donated to the Hancock County Food Pantry. The Pantry’s mission is to provide food and personal hygiene products for low income families living in Hancock County, MS who have an immediate “crisis or emergency” need for the assistance they can provide. Nereids is the original Mardi Gras Krewe in Hancock County started in the 1960’s as an all-women organization devoted to giving back to the community. Photo and caption by permission of the Sea Coast Echo.
Hollywood Casino Donation
July 2022

The Hollywood Casino has a donation program where players can donate slot TITO tickets (TITO -- ticket in, ticket out) of any value, or even cash which they can place in boxes located throughout the casino.These funds are awarded to a selected local charity each month. The Hancock County Food Pantry was selected to receive a donation of $3,865.02 in TITO funds for the month of June.
Pictured (from left to right) are Kyle Widdows, Hollywood Marketing Director; John Wittliff, Food Pantry Treasurer;
Marshall Kyger, Food Pantry Executive Director; Sarah Ladner, Hollywood HR Business Partner; and Cynthia Simms,
Hollywood VP of Human Resources.
Marshall Kyger, Food Pantry Executive Director; Sarah Ladner, Hollywood HR Business Partner; and Cynthia Simms,
Hollywood VP of Human Resources.
North Bay Elementary Food Drive
November 2022
North Bay Elementary School’s Kindness Crew sponsored a canned food drive from November 1st - November 18th. Students were encouraged to bring in non-perishable food items to help needy families during this Thanksgiving holiday. Students were excited to know that they were fortunate enough to help others in need. This was a teachable moment for the students to reflect on being thankful for what they have and to be able to share with others. In all, the North Bay Canned Food Drive was a huge success - totaling 3,722 (2,904 pounds) non-perishable foods! Thanks to the students, staff, and community for making this canned food drive a huge success.
All of the items collected this month were donated to the Hancock County Food Pantry. Photo and caption by permission of the Sea Coast Echo.
All of the items collected this month were donated to the Hancock County Food Pantry. Photo and caption by permission of the Sea Coast Echo.
Coastal Environmental Donates Fire Detectors
November 2022
Coastal Environmental Services recently donated 108 smoke detectors to the Hancock County Food Pantry. Coastal Environmental
Services President Gus Bordelon said that they decided to donate the items after a fire earlier this year killed four people in Hancock
County. The reality of it is, if they had had a smoke detector, they probably would have survived,” he said. “We just felt it was a good
time. This time of the year, a lot of people are using heaters and we just thought it would be a good way to give something back to the
Marshall Kyger, executive director of the Hancock County Food Pantry, said when pantry clients drive through in their vehicles,
greeters will ask them if they could use a smoke detector. So, the first 108 people who say ‘yes’ will get them,” he said.
Coastal Environmental Services is a residential and commercial waste management company. Back in April of this year, the Hancock
County Regional Solid Waste Management Waste Authority awarded the Louisiana company the contract for county-wide solid waste
Services President Gus Bordelon said that they decided to donate the items after a fire earlier this year killed four people in Hancock
County. The reality of it is, if they had had a smoke detector, they probably would have survived,” he said. “We just felt it was a good
time. This time of the year, a lot of people are using heaters and we just thought it would be a good way to give something back to the
Marshall Kyger, executive director of the Hancock County Food Pantry, said when pantry clients drive through in their vehicles,
greeters will ask them if they could use a smoke detector. So, the first 108 people who say ‘yes’ will get them,” he said.
Coastal Environmental Services is a residential and commercial waste management company. Back in April of this year, the Hancock
County Regional Solid Waste Management Waste Authority awarded the Louisiana company the contract for county-wide solid waste
Food Pantry Receives $10,000 Grant from Coast Electric Operation Round-Up
Coast Electric Power Association celebrated a major milestone in December, hosting a meeting at its Kiln headquarters with the beneficiaries of hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants from its Operation Round Up program.
“Since Coast Electric began rounding up participating members’ bills in December of 2018, more than $1 million has been invested into our community in the form of grants for charitable organizations that make our community a better place to live,” Director of Communications April Lollar said in a press release. “Besides reaching more than $1 million in total grants, the Community Trust Committee also reviewed 46 grant applications and approved 26 of these for a total of $227,102 for this round of grants
The Hancock County Food Pantry received a $10,000 grant during this most recent round of Operation Round-Up grants.
“Since Coast Electric began rounding up participating members’ bills in December of 2018, more than $1 million has been invested into our community in the form of grants for charitable organizations that make our community a better place to live,” Director of Communications April Lollar said in a press release. “Besides reaching more than $1 million in total grants, the Community Trust Committee also reviewed 46 grant applications and approved 26 of these for a total of $227,102 for this round of grants
The Hancock County Food Pantry received a $10,000 grant during this most recent round of Operation Round-Up grants.